Title I 

Title I Program:

The Title I program at Kestrel Heights Charter School provides supplementary instructional support. 

Kestrel Heights Charter School operates under the targeted assistance model. This means that Title I funds may be used, with other school funding sources, to provide support to eligible students so that they may meet our high academic standards. Title I is a federally funded program that is one component of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015. 

The ultimate goal of the Title I Program is to aid students in acquiring habits, attitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary to function as successful members of the school community. Title I is a federally funded program.

A Parent’s Right To Know:

Parents have the right to:

  • Request information about staff members’ credentials. Ask your child’s principal about how to do this.
  • Know how your child’s school is performing. The North Carolina School Report Card for your child’s school will be sent home after it is released by the state. This typically occurs in November or December.
Annual Title I Meeting (11/14/2024)
Title I Parent/Family Engagement Policy
Title I Parent/Family Engagement Plan
Title I School-Parent-Student Compact
Title I Parent Notification about Teacher Qualification
Title I Parent Brochure
Parent and Family Engagement Calendar
Annual School Performance Letter
School Improvement Team Summary Report


Tonya Jackson
Sr. Director of Federal Programs
919-484-1300 x 101